Lord Empires Wiki
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The wiki for Lord Empires Since 2010.
Lord Empires Online Game
Lord Empires News

This section will be a basic wiki news update of the game, for up-to-date news and game updates view them on the games news link. here.

25 January 2011

  • Increased Land and Happiness - As of now all cities have gained an increase of 24 happiness and 2000 land. All new users will start with 50 happiness and 4000 land which is basically double what it was before. The effects of the changes will be felt after update. New Features.

14 January 2011

  • First 2011 Additions - The first updates of 2011 have been proposed for a complete list view them New Features.

We will soon be starting a new stage and there are several new features expected, these features will progressively be introduced, some are major features with some small features. The expected time frame for these features to be introduced are around mid-March. Refer to the Game Logs for updates.

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Inhabitants There are 3 types of inhabitants.

Peasants: For every 1 meter of land comes 1 peasant. Peasants create food, which is consumed by all inhabitants (including themselves). Food production can increase by improving cultivation. A peasant consumes 1 unit of food per day.

Citizens: Every residential building will convert 100 peasants to citizens. Citizens pay taxes in the form of gold. They consume three times as much food as peasants. The amount of tax collected per citizen is determined by happiness, the number of inns and the number of tax collection office buildings.

Soldiers: Every new division will convert 100 peasants to soldiers, who protect your city from attackers. They consume twice as much food as citizens. They also have a daily gold upkeep cost. Read more…